Choosing a Degree: A.B. and B.S.E. Programs

Explore Princeton's two undergraduate degree programs: the Bachelor of Arts (A.B.) and the Bachelor of Science in Engineering (B.S.E.).

The A.B. degree is offered in humanities, social science, and natural science departments, while the B.S.E. degree is awarded by the six departments of the School of Engineering and Applied Science. All programs of study are consistent with Princeton’s ideals of a liberal arts education that emphasize breadth across multiple fields of study and depth in one, achieved through your course of study and independent work.

Which Major is Right for You?

A.B. Majors

Consider the following:

B.S.E. Majors

Consider the following:

Get into the Details

A.B. vs. B.S.E.: A Side-by-Side Comparison

Although the A.B. degree requires 31 courses and the B.S.E. requires 36, the difference is misleading. In the B.S.E. program, independent work and a thesis count as courses, while in the A.B. program, independent work is counted separately from the course requirements.

31 taught courses, including:

36 courses, including:

Useful Information

Create or adjust your course schedule and make academic plans.

Showcase the impact of your Princeton education through a junior project, senior thesis, and other independent work.

Plan a course schedule that aligns with your goals and academic readiness.

Plan your courses with the benefit of placement tests in selected subjects in the languages and science.

Additional Resources

Explore majors and minors offered across 36 departments in the humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, and engineering.

Connect to a range of resources focused on learning and living at Princeton.

Review academic regulations, programs of study, and undergraduate course offerings in this publication released each August.